this is the reason i got into art. it only hits me at 28 its about a forum thread of someone faking cancer for money. godlike
this is the reason i got into art. it only hits me at 28 its about a forum thread of someone faking cancer for money. godlike
If that's godlike, I hope its a lesser god and not the ONE ALMIGHTY that's gonna put me back on top and get you some better taste in art moving forward. Sorry for that one, but you're not wrong about the depths i sunk to troll someone on a fuckin 50-50, damn, glad i was right about it though that shit'd get me canceled as fuck nowadays. PEUCE OUT
Also, get on that fuggin pussyman sequel or whatever we bouda drop on these other kids i fucked up that are making shitty youtubes now that my kids watch... karma tho right
Wishing a force to bring about the new reality, the term of suffering ends! むせいたちかたち
Struggling Artist
Hell, America
Joined on 10/14/16